Variety is the Spice of Life

Posted on October 19, 2010 by


This project is funded by the Community Foundation Inter Faith Fund and is organised by Heeley Development Trust in conjunction with the Heeley Asian Women’s Group and Anns Grove School.

‘Variety is the Spice of Life’ was organised in response to a growing diversity in our area, which is seen by some as a problem but by us as something which can enhance and add to the rich tapestry of life in Heeley.

It is important and enjoyable for people in the community to get to know people and understand the different cultural traditions in our area. Through that comes an understanding that we all have a common interest in creating a friendly, safe and peaceful community with decent services and education.

The Project So Far…

A series of world dance classes are being organised at Anns Grove School.

We are running a women-only computer class on Mondays in which the women are learning how to use computers and researching and creating a display of different traditions and cultures.

The Heeley Asian Women’s Group have sewing classes on Mondays and Tuesdays morning at the Heeley Institute which is open to all women.

We have organised in conjunction with LLS, 2 ESOL classes so that people can learn to speak English

We have organised 2 community meals. The first was attended by 40 people and featured a performance called Legends which was story telling from around the world. The second was organised by the Asian Women’s Group to invite the community to have a taste of Eid, with delicious food, henna art and displays. Over 100 people attended.

We have planned a Conversation Club on Thursday lunch with tea and coffee, so that people can come together and chat in English and make friends.

There will also be a Christmas community meal in December, a Chinese New Year celebration community meal in February, and a final celebratory event in March 2011 with food, dance, singing, stalls and displays from around the world.

If you want to get involved or help out or have ideas about other things we can do with the project please contact Maxine or Liz on 0114 2500613.