Volunteer Climbers needed for the ‘Heeley Hang’

Posted on February 7, 2013 by


Sheaf Boulder Launch EventHeeley Development Trust is looking for volunteers to help run events on the climbing boulders in Heeley Millennium Park.  We’re keen to promote the boulders and encourage safe usage of them, and will be holding our first Heeley Hang bouldering session on Saturday 23rd March, 12-3pm to kick start our bouldering season. 

We’ll be down on site with our ‘boot bin’ of shoes to borrow, and will be inviting climbers to set new problems for our online guide to the new Sheaf boulder.

We are a small and committed team.  We welcome friendly volunteers with an interest, knowledge and practical skills in bouldering, to assist with the smooth running of the event, as well as offering support and advice to new climbers – please get in touch if you can help out

Volunteer expenses will be provided.  Ongoing volunteer roles to be part of developing Heeley Hang include: supporting marketing, session delivery, fundraising and admin, as well as opportunities for training and skills development. 

To find out more about volunteering with HDT contact Bev Nunn, Events & Involvement Organiser on 250 0613 or email bev.n@heeleydevtrust.com To find out more about the park visit www.heeleypark.org

You can see more pictures from the new boulder launch in December 2012 here
